Nurture expression of your internal landscape into a big, wide world.

Are you ready to flow into your next great chapter?

Whether you yearn for greater depth of connection in relationships, work, or both, you are invited to lean in and follow the path that called you here.

Each modality on this site has been hand-selected for poignant efficacy. In other words, their deeply affecting effectiveness!

With guidance during our free consultation, you choose the modality- or combination of modalities- and level of commitment right for you.

What you bring to the table is a direct reflection of how well you know yourself, multiplied by the authenticity of your expression.

Ultimate creative expression requires focus, freedom, and repetition of form.

Three modalities to do just that:

Modality #1

Grief Recovery

(It’s #1 for a reason…)

Wild and raw, heartbreak is a painful, integral part of living.

100% of us experience loss.

With the right tools and mindset, loss can bring us into a transitional state- fantastic for making giant leaps and poignant contributions to your professional, artistic, or familial community.

Broken-heartedness though, is never an appropriate end game.

To orchestrate your life with clarity, power and presence you need to heal your heart.

Whatever broke your heart, it’s your responsibility to recover from it. The Grief Recovery Method offers evidence-based help and guidance as I, a certified specialist, assist you in processing and moving forward. We work together, step by step, to reach emotional completion after a significant relationship, loss, or life change.

With your dedication and openness, using the GRM is a very efficient use of time and money. In return, you get a unique tool set to help you manage pain and enjoy life to the fullest.

Release the heart from the exhaustion of pain and gain access to new possibilities in relationship with the Grief Recovery Method. Work with me to:

  • Feel the difficult emotions you’ve been suppressing

  • Reflect wholly on the positive and negative aspects of a relationship

  • Say goodbye to unmet hopes, dreams and expectations

  • Release the pain of loss once and for all

  • Find emotional completion with an important chapter, loss, or transition in your life

Modality #2


The body has wisdom beyond our mind’s reach. Nothing replaces the catharsis of simply moving your body. Movement is so terrifyingly raw that many people only dance when intoxicated.

As a Grief Recovery Specialist I have long been plotting to integrate movement classes into my offerings, especially to assist my clients holding a lot of anger and rage.

Life is “both/ and.” So, joy and pleasure are just as appropriate- and often coexist with “negative” emotions- in movement classes.

While the mind rebels against these emotional polarities, the body integrates them seamlessly.

Clarify expression and magnify authenticity with movement practices. Excellent facilitated environments to:

  • Lean into the unknown

  • Move stuck emotional energy out of the body

  • Identify old patterns of being

  • Practice moving in new ways

  • Wonderful as a companion to the Grief Recovery Method, or on its own.

Opening soon at my local studio in Mariposa, CA - relaxing, rejuvenating, fun movement sessions. Sign up to be the first to learn about upcoming events.

Modality #3:

Creative Community

Once you’ve done the private work of releasing hurt and processing the past, you will want safe places to practice communication, expression and presence with others.

Sometimes strangers are the easiest people to be around when you’re trying on a new “you.” While you might be surprised how quickly current relationships change for the better once you’ve resolved past pain, it’s also possible friends and family could be a little slow to come along.

Loss & Light Creative Community events are time to silently work alongside or actively chat with someone from another discipline. Whether you decide to take an active or passive role as an attendee, these gatherings are ripe for gaining new perspective, brainstorming solutions, reaping inspiration and for relaxing into the comfort of community.

Clear presence is an infinitely superior place to work and love from, but it’s not realistic to access presence with thousands of unspoken truths buried inside of you.

Mini-practice expression session!